Monday, 19 November 2012

Don't you believe it!

It may be strange but I have never actually been able to hold any religious belief. Even as a child, I can remember at the age of ten spending church services with my eyes shut trying to levitate just to see if I could (till I got spotted!). Nothing changed over the years -in fact this grew stronger.

I probably read too widely, as we all did in the days before the net.

Over the years I have read extensively on religion and belief systems. It is clear that man has a deep urge to believe there is something bigger out there and that when we die that is not the end. I had a great time at uni when I had the space and time to read and explore these things, but came to the conclusion that to believe one needs a faith and a willingness to commit that I simply cannot find.

Now I look around and see that so much conflict and hatred is ascribed to various religions (as if that was something new..) and wonder how much we have really evolved.

We cursed heretics, burned witches, beheaded those of other faiths and launched crusades, for what?

Conflict in Northern Ireland was (and sadly still is) depicted as between two faiths, Israel & Palestine is viewed in terms of religion, conflict in Europe is viewed as Muslim versus Christianity, no they are all conflicts between freedom and repression. That's all.

At the heart of much of religious debate it seems to me is the issue of control. There's a general tendency in mainstream religions to set rules of behaviour for the faithful. Some, such as the Ten Commandments or many of the sentiments in the Gospels, are general advice for civilised living. Some people even like to get naked and dance around stones (at least that one sounds more fun...).It all gets weird when we get on to proclamations about diet- would any Deity worth worshipping really have a big deal about bacon, eating shellfish or beer, come on? Get a life guys!

Equally, I really don't care if religious leaders are men or women, or who they sleep with- as long as they are consenting adults.

Sadly, we move from weird to sinister when it comes to sayings or interpretations of these which attempt to rule on sexuality, the role and place of women and ways of dealing with 'unbelievers'.

I do not believe such attempts at control of others' behaviour has any place in our society.

Britain is a nominally Christian country with an established Church, led by our Queen. It's the culture I grew up in and feel at home with. Most of us don't go to church, many like me do not believe at all. Still it permeates our culture and many aspects of our lives. Hymns we learnt at school, Bible readings are referenced in much of what we read and say. A Carol Service always brings a tear to my eye and I did find some comfort from the funeral services for my parents. Doesn't mean I am a believer, simply this is my heritage and hinterland.

I feel that this is now under threat and it disturbs me, it a way more strongly than may seem logical.

The doctrines of  'multiculturalism' and 'moral relativity' which dominate much of our public life and discourse are at the heart Councils celebrating 'Winterval',  FFS!- damn it! It's just not right.

In Britain today Islam appears to be used to excuse all sorts of unacceptable behaviour. The authorities seem petrified of accusations of racism. So allegations of grooming and sexual abuse are ignored for fear of giving offence. FGM happens under our noses, Sharia courts rule up and down the country, but oh no, we mustn't criticise or investigate, 'It's a cultural thing, we don't want to offend' .

NO!! It is not 'racist' to criticise unacceptable or criminal behaviour, it's your civic duty.

If criminal acts are uncovered then so be it, it's a crime. If it's a crime then prosecute and convict if guilty, simple as that.

You are welcome to believe in what you will, as I  say in my biog: I don't want to live your life, you don't live mine. So have your beliefs, but do not attempt to impose your views on me or anyone else.

You think what you want, I shall too.

If you find this post offensive, then sorry but please leave my TL, cheers!

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