Thursday, 8 November 2012

Don't vote, it only encourages them?

So, did you hear we have elections next week? Yes, you may have seen the odd Tweet with PCC in it, if you're really lucky you may even have had a leaflet or two through the letter box. There hasn't been much publicity despite it being a Government initiative 'cos they decided against the usual free mailings for the candidates.

What's it all about and why should I care? Well PCC apparently stands for Police & Crime Commissioner. We're being asked to vote for who is going to set the tone of policing in our local forces but it looks as if an awful lot of people aren't going to bother, and that kinda upsets me.

Democracy ain't all great but it's better than any alternative I've heard of and a lot of people died and suffered so we could get it.

Just a bunch of aging politicians looking for a cushy number though? Sadly in some cases yes, which makes it even more important to check out the candidates and do something positive! The new PCCs will not be giving day to day directions to their forces but they will be a voice, elected locally to determine local priorities.

If, like me, you'd rather your local coppers cracked down on the evil little scroats making everyone's lives hell rather than sitting in their cars with speed guns, it's a chance to say so. If you think the police should stop acting like social workers and start supporting householders then do something next Thursday!

We may not get what we want but if we don't vote we can't complain afterwards.

So who are you voting for? This is one of those elections where you have two bites of the cherry: first and second preference. This time I'm actually going to give my first preference to UKIP. Never voted for them before but they do seem to have moved on from being a single issue party (though you need to change the logo guys!). I took the time to check their policy on this and liked what I read. Here's a couple: Zero tolerance of anti-social behaviour, more officers on the streets. You can find the rest on the web.

I don't think we can trust the usual old parties to deliver on this one, so why not try something different?

You're welcome to disagree, that's what it's all about but I've made my mind up and will be going for the Kippers, I'll be doing the same at the next Euro elections too, unless we've had our referendum by then! - Go on Dave, you know you want to?

Hope this doesn't come across as too ranty, but I think it's important. Oh, and the blog title? It was an old anarchist slogan I remeber form my student days, says it all really.

Thanks for reading.

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